
一种基于TCP控制报文的MAC层自适应算法 被引量:3

MAC-layer adaptation algorithm based on TCP control segment for wireless LANs
摘要 由于无线信道的特殊性,在WLAN应用中,TCP的传输性能会下降。提出依据TCP报文控制段采用不同的MAC传输参数的调整方案。该方案考虑到了802.11 MAC参数的可调整性和TCP控制报文在传输流程的重要性,可有效提高控制报文在无线信道上传输能力,避免了由于信道访问冲突和拥塞而造成TCP性能下降的问题,从而提高TCP的传输效率。通过仿真验证了该方案的可行性。 Due to the link characteristics of wireless channel, the performance of TCP decreases in WLAN networks. A MAC-layer adaptation algorithm based on TCP control segment was proposed. The scheme can enhance the throughput capacity of TCP control segment in the wireless channel and improve the transmission reliability of TCP control segment when there are access conflict and congestion in the wireless channel. Therefore, the transmission efficiency and reliability of TCP segments can be enhanced too. In this paper, the adaptable parameter of 802.11 MAC-layer was analyzed and the importance of the TCP control segment in transmission flow was discussed. The evaluation of the proposed scheme shows that the important gain in performance was obtained compared to that of traditional 802.11 MAC-layer.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期39-41,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 TCP WLAN MAC 跨层设计 TCP WLAN MAC cross-layer design
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