
基于粒子群法的母管制锅炉负荷优化分配算法 被引量:6

Optimal Algorithm of Load Assignment of Pipe-main Scheme Boilers Based on PSO
摘要 母管制运行锅炉的特性差别很大,如何实现锅炉间负荷的优化分配从而提高节煤率是母管制电厂运行管理中经常遇到的难题,本文提出了一种不同于常规等微增率法的负荷分配新算法——粒子群法,实例计算表明该方法可以取得比等微增率法更好的节煤效果。 Because of the big difference in operating characteristics among pipe - main scheme boilers, it is a problem frequently encountered in the operation and management of pipe - main scheme plants that how to optimize the load assignment among boilers for a higher coal saving ratio. This paper presents a new optimal algorithm for load assignment-PSO which is different from the equal- rate criterion commonly used. The calculation resuhs of an actual example demonstrate that the PSO algorithm is better than equal - rate criterion in saving coal.
出处 《节能技术》 CAS 2007年第6期501-503,共3页 Energy Conservation Technology
基金 黑龙江省科技攻关项目(GC05A306)
关键词 母管制锅炉 等微增率法 粒子群优化 节煤 pipe - main scheme boilers equal- rate criterion PSO optimization saving coal
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