It is necessary for any ore-searching works anywhere that there shouldbe two premises, i. e. ore-forming process and ore-preserving conditions. In terms ofprimary diamond dePOsits as a result of mantle-derived volcanic activity, there mustbe a close link spatially between diamond dePOSits and palessurface in ore-forming period and the preservation of diamond dePOsits must closely associates with the denudedextent of the Paleo-suffece. Guizhou is a good diamond-forming province, in whichthe known primary diamond deposit formed in Caledonian, but the erosion of Caledonian palessurface is so extreme that the known primary diamond deposit in Maping,Zhenyuan county is just consists of many small lamproite dikes and sills belonging toroot phase. However, the denuded extent of Caledonian paleosurface in Guizhou, especially in Eastern Guizhou where the geological environment for formation of diamond is ideal is not uniform and somewhere the paleosurface is still preserved well. Sothe author considers that where the late Paleozoic cover exists and there are additionaldiamond-hunting indicators, there is a potentiality of having researched primary diamond deposit.
Guizhou Geology