According to Xu Fuguan, the basis of the Chinese culture is "the mind", and "the mind" is not only the value root of all culture but also of morality and art. "Nature" grows out of "the mind". Therefore, his exploration of the Chinese culture is on the human nature, so is his exploration of the Chinese art spirit. In Xu Fuguan's opinion, the art spirit in the Chinese culture has only. as a matter of fact, the two models of Confucius and Mencius. This article mainly discusses the Confucian art spirit with Confucius as its representative. The nature of mind that Confucius represents is kindness and humanity, based on which is the Confucian art spirit that combines kindness and beauty in one. The Confucian art spirit is mainly embodied in music. Music comes from nature of mind, thus the sound of kindness and humanity. The Confucian art spirit is the combination of morality and art in the highest state.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
nature of mind
kindness and humanity
combination of kindness and beauty in one