

Features of the Historiography of American Foreign Relations in 1990s Suggested by The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations
摘要 20世纪70年代以来美国外交史学出现了两大方面的变化:后修正学派形成并提出了"共识说";"国际史"取向的方法论为大多数史学家认同。然而,《剑桥美国对外关系史》的出版表明,20世纪90年代的美国外交史学界,现实主义学派、修正学派、自由主义全球化论者以及后修正学派在基本史观和重大问题见解上存在巨大差异甚至决然对立;方法论方面也尚需进一步完善。 Two great changes have taken place in the historiography of American Foreign Relations. Firstly, postrevisionism emerged and asserted that a new Consensus had produced. Secondly, international history orientation has been accepted by most historians as the most popular methodology. But the publication of The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations in 1993 suggested the historical ideology and interpretations were very different, even in opposition among the realists, revisionists, liberal globalists and postrevisionists. Methodologically, international history orientation needed to be further perfected, and disadvantages which had been denounced by scholars in 1980s reminded, with some got even worse.
作者 曲升
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第6期14-18,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 《剑桥美国对外关系史》 美国外交史学 流派 方法论特征 The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations historiography of American Foreign Relations schools methodology
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  • 2[2]John Lewis Gaddis,"The Emerging Post-Revisionist Synthesis on the Origins of the Cold War",Diplomatic History,Vol.7,No.3,Summer1983.
  • 3[3]Thomas J.McCormick."State of American Diplomatic History",in The State of American History,Herbert Bass ed.,New York,1970.
  • 4[4]Alexander Deconde,"What's Wrong with American Diplomatic History",SHAFR Newsletter 1,May 1970,PP.1-16.
  • 5[5]Ernest R.May,"The Decline of Diplomatic History",in American History:Retrospect and Prospect,George A.Billias and Gerald N.Grob eds.,New York,1971,pp.399-430.
  • 6[6]Charls S.Maier,"Marking Time:the Historiography of Imernational Relations".in The Past before Us:Contemporary Historical Writings in the United States,Michael Kammen,ed.,Ithaca,New York,1980.PP.385-387.
  • 7[7]Sally Marks,"The world According to Washington",Diplomatic History 11,Summer 1987,PP.265-282.
  • 8[8]Christopher Thorne,"After the Europeans:American Designs for the Remaking of Southeast Asia",Diplomatic History 12,Springl988,PP.201-08.
  • 9[9]Michael J.Hogan and Thomas G.Paterson eds.,Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations,Cambridge University Press,1991.
  • 10[10]Thomas J.McCormick,"Drift or Mastery:A Corporatist Synthesis for American Diplomatic History Reviews in American History 10,Dec 1982.








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