TDC是Internet Explorer 4.0及以上版本提供的一个组件,它以有界定符文本文件作为数据来源,利用缓冲机制,在本地机实现对数据的动态控制,并支持Recordset集的属性和方法.如果将TDC数据绑定到WEB页面的HTML元素,可以不依赖ASP、CGI等服务器端处理逻辑,实现用户与页面的动态交互,减少动态网页对服务器的依赖程度,减轻服务器的压力和缓解网络拥挤.
TDC is a version of the components address of Internet Explorer 4.0 and above which to be defined as a text file data sources, the use of buffer mechanism for the realization of the dynamic of local control and support Recordset attributes and methods. If the TDC data binding to Web Pages HTML elements that can not rely on ASP, CGI processing logic such as server, users with a dynamic and interactive pages. Dynamic Web server to reduce reliance, network congestion and ease the pressure on the server.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences