Objective To evaluate the effect of NPH insulin (Novolin N) combined with Repaglinide(Novonorm) and Glipizide in treating type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Methods Through diets-exercise and treated with NPH insulin (Novolin N),sixty patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who did not obtain satisfactory improvement were randomly divided into 2 groups .After three months, thirty patients were treated with NPH insulin (Novolin N) and Repaglinide (Novonorm),thirty controls were treated with NPH insulin (Novolin N) and Glipizide. Results To play down fasting blood glucose, 2h blood glucose and HbAlC, Repaglinide(Novonorm) and Glipizide had not significant difference(P〉0.05).To reduce triglyceride(TG), Repaglinide(Novonorm) and Glipizide had significant difference(P〈 0.05).Conclusion Repaglinide(Novonorm) had two effects of reducing blood glucose and triglyceride(TG).
Port Health Control