一、引言 当前,中国与缅甸两国在经济、文化方面的合作正处在良好的历史发展机遇期。在构建和谐社会的大风潮下,中缅边境地区的文化和谐发展该如何进行,其路径该如何推进,其发展背景及条件如何,其切入点是什么。所有这些,都是迫切需要解决的问题。
In the paper, the strategic design of structuring harmonious cultural industry circles between China and Myanmar will specially be discussed, and the cutting-in point will concretely be discussed. Therefore, the author will firstly analyze the premise and situation to structure harmonious cultural circle between China and Myanmar on the background of macro, reality, platform and driving, then probe into the situation and development of the cultural talents, cultural labor material, cultural resource, cultural system and cultural mechanism from the point of harmonious cultural productivity and cultural mechanism. The author considers that only after the harmonious cultural productivity and harmonious cultural system and mechanism have been structured can cultural productive relation be structured, and consequently the harmonious cultural circle between China and Myanmar will be structured.
Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies