Vascular dementia (VD) is the Second commonest dementia after Alzheimer's disease (AD) inEurope and USA. However, in Asia and many developing countries the Prevalence of VD exceeds that of AD. Epidemiological studies show that the prevalence of VD increases linearly with age and varies greatly from Country tocountry, ranging form 1.2% to 4.2% of people over 65 years old, even after adjustment for age and sex. The incidence of VD is more homogeneous than prevalence and is estimated at 6~ 12 cases per 1, 000 persons over 70 yearsper year. The mean duration of the disease is around 5 years and survival is less than for the general population andfor AD. The major risk factors for VD appear to be hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Although someof these risk factors are modifiable, there is no study on the efficacy of prevention of VD. VD may be caed bymultiple infarcts, white matter ischemia, or a infarct in a strategical place. The site, size, number, and frequency ofcerebral infarct or lesion are relative to prevalence rate of VD. Evidence of focal neurological deficit on examinationand cerebrovascular disease on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is helpful to determine diagnosisand differentiation of VD. Cognitive neuropsychological assessment is helpful to diagnose and differentiate AD andother types of dementia. The simultaneous determination of Ach and Ch concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid may beuseful for differentiating vascular dementia of the Binswanger type or multiple small infarct type from Alzheimer typedementia. The frequency of the ApoE epsilon 4 allele is significantly higher in the patients with AD and VD, but issighficantly different in the cerebrovascular disease without dementia; the skin fibroblast ApoE mRNA level in theAD and VD Patients is significantly lower than in control group, which indicates that ApoE4 allele and ApoE mRNAlevel might be of value for diagnosis of AD. All patients with possible VD need careful assessment to detect any underlying causes and risk factors that may be remediable. No breakout Progress of treatment is available until now.Early hopes that calcium channel blockers such as nimodipine would be of value have not been sustained. Several further strategies──for example, to protect neurones from excitoxins or reinforce other neuroprotective mechanisms──are under further evaluation, but it is too early to be certain of their potential in the clinical context.
Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Vascular Dementia
Dementia after Stroke
White Matter lesions
Alzheimer's Disease
Cognitive Neuropsycholodcal Assesment
apo E4