
外资研发中心对我国国家创新体系的正效应 被引量:8

The Positive Effect of Foreign-Funded R&D Center on Chinese NIS
摘要 本文基于NIS(国家创新体系)分析框架,动态化分析外资研发中心对我国NIS的正效应及其形成机理,重点以NIS要素相互交流和作用中的知识流动为主线,突破对创新体系效率仅从资源配置静态分析视角的局限性。外资研发中心嵌入NIS深层次的内在交流和作用对于NIS的影响是长远的和实质性的。外资研发中心对我国NIS、产业创新体系、地区创新体系和企业创新体系,分别产生开放效应、关联效应、集聚效应和示范效应。 Based on the NIS analytical framework, this paper dynamically analyses the positive effect of foreign-funded R&D center on Chinese NIS and its mechanism. Taking knowledge flowing that the NIS elements mutually exchange and act each other as main line, the analytical fi'amework firstly breaks the limitation to analyze NIS effect by static state angle of view of resource allocation. It is long-term and substantive that the intrinsically exchange and effect of foreign-funded R&D center on Chinese NIS because of its deeply embedded Chinese NIS. To Chinese NIS, the industrial in- novation system, the district innovation system and the enterprise innovative system, foreign-funded R&D center produces the opening effect, correlation effect, agglomeration effect and demonstration effect separately.
作者 崔新健
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期67-71,共5页 Journal of International Trade
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"外商在我国投资‘研发中心’的现状及政策建议--基于国家创新系统框架的研究"(批准号05BJY008) 获得教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"资助
关键词 外资研发中心 国家创新体系 效应 Foreign-funded R&D center National Systems Innovation Positive effect
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