
城市餐饮业泔脚垃圾市场化回收处置问题及对策分析 被引量:1

Problems and Strategies for the Market-Oreiented Collection and Disposal of Catering Wastes in China's Urban Areas
摘要 城市餐饮业的泔脚垃圾产生量巨大,是城市生活垃圾的主要组份之一,其回收处置是当前国内城市生活垃圾管理的重要课题。以上海为实证区域,基于相关统计数据和课题组对200多家餐饮单位的实地调研工作,较为系统地探讨了当前城市泔脚垃圾实现市场化回收处置在源头减量、垃圾申报、垃圾收费、处置行为等方面存在的主要问题,结果表明:①泔脚垃圾的源头申报方面不报和漏报的现象较为明显,大量小型餐饮单位的垃圾申报意识亟待加强;②泔脚垃圾管理收费以象征性议价为主,约50%餐饮单位将泔脚垃圾作为普通生活垃圾处理,以规避相关费用;③75%餐饮单位以委托环卫附属部门处置泔脚垃圾为主,社会化程度较低。从泔脚垃圾产生者、处置者、管理者等不同市场角色,初步提出泔脚垃圾市场化回收处置及资源化利用的具体对策。 Urban catering industries in China are producing huge amount of catering wastes every day. Recently, most of cities in China have stipulated that the catering wastes are prohibited for feeding livestocks. Therefore, the management and disposal of the catering wastes have become a social problem. Taking Shanghai as study area, and based on data from both statistic yearbooks and field survey, this paper systematically discusses the problems existed in the process of catering wastes claim, rubbish fee collection, reduction of rubish sources, and disposal ways. The resohs show that there is about 20 000 restaurants in study area and only 5 958 are on the list of government administration. The recorded total amount of catering wastes discharge is 335.86 tons per day while the surveyed amount of catering wastes is about 1 100 tons per day. About 70 percent of restaurants did not declare their catering wastes to the municipal administration. A small money was collected from the restaurants for their catering wastes treatment, and about 50 percent of restaurants treated the catering wastes as ordinary solid waste so as to elude relevant charges. As a result, the total charge for rubbish treatment do not cover actual cost of wastes treatment. About 75 percent restaurants leave the catering wastes treated by enterprises subordinated with the municipal administration, while only 10 percent deal the catering wastes in open market. The restaurants mainly depend on the municipal administration to treat the catering wastes. In response to above problems, the authors propose some preliminary countermeasures for the collection and disposal of catering wastes. The owners of restaurants should encourage the customers ordering dishes appropriately and taking away the leftover once the dishes are not finished. A proper sum of fees should be collected from the owner of restaurants to enhance their awareness of social and environmental responsibilities. And the markets for reuse of catering wastes should be established by government.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期37-42,共6页 Resources Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(编号:02CJY009) 上海同济高廷耀环保科技发展基金会资助项目
关键词 餐饮业 泔脚垃圾 市场化 回收处置 对策 Catering industry Catering wastes Market Collection and disposal Strategy
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