
生态等值分析法在草地资源损坏评估中的应用 被引量:5

Assessing Grassland Degradation through Habitat Equivalency Analysis
摘要 生态等值分析法(简称HEA法)作为一种对自然资源损坏后做出准确损失效果评估,从而制定恢复实施方案的方法,其特点是原理清晰、参数较少、简单易用、实施便捷,所以在国外应用的领域比较广泛,也得到科学研究领域和社会法制界的认同,但目前在我国应用的较少。文章首先介绍了生态等值分析的概念和基本原理及组成部分,其次对该方法的相关因素进行了梳理和总结,然后以案例的方式分别从开始恢复时间、完成恢复时间和最大恢复服务水平三个角度的数据调整对该方法做了初步的探索应用,最后从实施、技术、经济三个方面对该方法在我国能否实际应用进行了讨论。结果表明,由于在技术条件、产权环境、经济背景等方面国内与国外存在一定的差异,所以HEA法在我国的确认和应用还需要一个探索的过程,并会随着生态补偿问题研究的深入而显得更加迫切。 Habitat equivalency analysis (HEA) has been widely used for assessing land degradation at home and abroad. This paper reviewed the methodology in terms of conceptual framework, components of the method and summarized the factors affecting the method application. A case study was conducted to test the methodology. In the case study, data in terms of start period of grassland restoration, duration for grassland restoration and maximum level of the grassland restoration was tested through the application the method. The discussions on the method use in operational, technical and economic aspects were conducted to determine its potential application in China. It is concluded that the method cannot be used to accurately assess the grassland degradation in a number of cases in China because of the great disparities in terms of technical condition, ownership and economic background between China and other countries. A series of further studies on the method use is imperative with the deepening of ecological compensation research.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期114-118,共5页 Resources Science
基金 国家社科基金项目:“禁牧政策的生态效益补偿与草地资源可持续利用研究”(批准号:04XJY011)
关键词 生态等值分析法 损坏评估 案例 草地 Habitat equivalency analysis Degradation assessments Case study Grassland
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