

Research on Dynamic Resource Specification based on Grid Market Model
摘要 首先分析了原有资源描述语言在进行动态资源描述时的局限性,并且阐述了市场模型下对动态资源描述提出的新要求。为了能体现资源描述的市场特性和动态性,在原有资源描述语言RSL、RDF和JDL基础上,作了相应的扩展和修改,从而实现在市场模型下对资源进行更加动态、灵活的描述。 This paper analyzes the limitation of old resource specification, describes the requirements of resource specification in the grid market model. To show the traits of market and change it makes some improvements on the basis of primary RSL (Resource Specification l.anguage) . RDF (Resource Describing Frame) and JDI. (Job Description Language), which can realizes a more dynamic and flexible descriptions of resource in the grid market model.
出处 《电脑开发与应用》 2008年第1期28-30,共3页 Computer Development & Applications
基金 国防预研项目(5130602)资助
关键词 网格市场模型 动态性 资源描述 grid market model, dynamic characteristic, resource specification
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