
浅谈食品中生物胺的检测方法 被引量:18

Discussion on biogenic amine determination method in food
摘要 生物胺是一种低分子量的有机物,主要是通过氨基酸的脱羧作用生成。他广泛存在于发酵香肠、泡菜、干酪、酸奶等发酵食品中,人体摄入过量的生物胺会引起过敏反应,严重的还会危及生命。另外,食品中生物胺含量与食品质量具有一定的相关性。通过对近年来食品生物胺的检测方法进行了综述,重点介绍了高效液相色谱、毛细管电泳和薄层色谱等方法的特点及其在食品生物胺测定中的应用。 The biogenic amine is one kind of low molecular weightorganic matter, mainly is escapes the function production throughthe amino acid It widely exists to fermentation food and so on infermentation sausage, pickled vegetable, cheese, yogurt The humanbody takes in the excessive biogenic amine to be able to causeallergic reaction, is serious also can endanger life. Moreover, infood the biogenic amine content and food quality have the certainrelevance. This article has carried on the summary to the recent yearsfood biogenic amine examination method. Introduced with emphasis thehighly effective liquid chromatography, the capillary vesselelectricity swims with method the and so on thin layer chromatographcharacteristic and its in food biogenic amine determinationapplication.
出处 《食品工程》 2007年第4期55-57,共3页 Food Engineering
关键词 生物胺 高效液相色谱 毛细管电泳 薄层色谱 Biogenic amine Highly effective liquid ch-romatography The capillary vessel electricity swims Thin layer chromatograph
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