
20g钢表面La_(0.7)Ca_(0.3)CrO_3涂层的结构特征 被引量:1

A Study on Structure of Perovskite Type Complex Oxide Coating
摘要 用溶胶-凝胶法在碳钢基底上制备了钙钛矿型稀土复合氧化物涂层(La0.7Ca0.3CrO3),通过扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)等手段对不同工艺所获得的涂层表面形貌、相组成进行了分析,讨论了工艺参数对涂层结构的影响。结果表明,涂层由La0.7Ca0.3CrO3单相组成,在基底与陶瓷涂层之间存在氧化铁过渡层。工艺参数对涂层形貌和相组成影响很大,随前驱体溶液浓度及pH值增大涂层变得疏松,随浸渍次数增多涂层厚度和致密度均增加。 Perovskite type complex oxide coating was deposited on carbon steel substrate by solgel method. The morphology, crystal structure of the coating were studied by SEM and XRD, and effect of processing parameters on the structure of coatings was discussed. The results indicate that the coating is composed of La0.7Ca0.3CrO3, and there is an oxide layer, composed of Fe2O3 and Fe3O4, between the ceramic coating and the substrate. Besides, pro cessing parameters have a significant influence on the morphology and phase composition of the coating. With the concentration and pH value of precursor solution increasing, the coating becomes more porous, and with dipping cycles increasing, the coating becomes thicker and more dense.
出处 《稀土》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期24-28,共5页 Chinese Rare Earths
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20050422026) 山东省自然科学基金(Y2005F20)
关键词 稀土 铬酸镧 溶胶-凝胶法 涂层 组织 rare earths lanthanum chromite solgel method coating structure
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