

Sociological Analysis of the Repelling in the Labour Market
摘要 劳动力市场排斥意味着社会成员之间存在不平等关系,个人、家庭和地方社区因未能有效参与生产、分配、交换和消费等经济活动而形成经济排斥,进而引发其他各种排斥,致使个人或家庭陷入困境。同时,导致各类社会问题产生。本文试图从劳动力市场排斥现状出发,分析引起这一排斥的内在和外在制度根源,进而提出解决问题的对策。 The repelling in the labour market reflects that inequality has been existing among social members, and individual, family or community cannot attend manufacturing, allocation, exchangment and consumption effectively, which will bring other repelling, leading individual or family into dilemma. Meanwhile, it leads to kinds of social issues. In this dissertation, we attempt to starting from the present situation of labourmarket inequality analyze the internal and external system reasons, then give relative countermeasures to resolve.
作者 甘红圣 施勇
出处 《安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第6期66-69,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University:SOC.SCI.
关键词 劳动力市场 社会排斥 经济排斥 制度 信用 labour market social repelling economic repelling system credit
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