
FDI对地区资源环境影响的研究进展评述 被引量:6

Comment on Research Progress in the Impact of FDI in Local Resource and Environment
摘要 外商直接投资(FDI)的流入在为发展中国家带来资金和技术、促进经济增长的同时,也由于其趋利性以及发达国家与发展中国家在环境标准、环境管制和环保理念上的差异,为资源消耗与污染型产业从发达国家转移到发展中国家提供了可能。因此,FDI与地区资源环境的问题日益得到重视,逐渐成为国际社会关注的焦点问题。文章从宏观和微观两个角度系统总结了FDI对资金流入地区的资源环境效应,在此基础上对国内外学者在该领域的研究进展进行了详细述评,最后提出了未来FDI与资源环境关系还需要在环境管制、社会责任以及跨国公司的环境行为等方面加强研究。 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) can promote economic growth in developing countries with flow of capital and managerial expertise. However, as a result of the difference in environmental standards, the inregula tions and awareness of protection between developed countries and developing countries, FDI may also take place with the resources-intensive and pollution-intensive industries being transferred from the former to the latter. Thus, FDI may have heavy influence on local resources consumption and environmental change in the host country. In order to trace the international research of impact of FDI on local resource & environment, this paper reviews the relationship between FDI and resource & environment at a macro and micro level and then makes overall comments on the research advances. Researches on environmental regulation, social responsibility and gross-border environmental performance should be further enhanced in the future.
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期55-62,共8页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"全球化驱动的地区资源环境响应机理与模式分析"(编号:40501021)资助
关键词 FDI 资源环境 机制效应 FDI Resource & environment Mechanism and effect.
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