
几种自适应IIR陷波器的复数算法及其应用 被引量:7

Complex adaptive IIR notch filter algorithms and their applications
摘要 在自适应IIR陷波器实数算法的基础上,本文提出了三种基于梯度的自适应IIR陷波器的复数算法,并进行了仿真比较。结果表明,这三种复数算法均可检测复信号,并估计信号频率,其中"改进的"简化格型IIR陷波器复数算法收敛速度快、低信噪比下稳定性能好。湖上试验表明该算法不仅实时性好,而且在低信噪比下的检测效果令人满意。 The problem of detecting the complex narrowband signal using complex adaptive IIR notch filter is investigated. In this paper, three complex coefficient adaptive IIR notch filters using gradient-based algorithms are proposed. These three methods are compared among themselves in terms of detecting performance and estimation accuracy. Simulation results show that these proposed algorithms can all detect and estimate the frequency of sinusoid, but an "improved" simplified lattice complex algorithm outperforms the other two in the convergence speed, tracking speed and steady-state mean square error at low SNR. Lake trial results confirm the real-time detecting ability of our proposed "improved" algorithm.
作者 梁红 李志舜
出处 《应用声学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期49-53,共5页 Journal of Applied Acoustics
基金 "十五"国防重点预研项目资助
关键词 自适应陷波器 复数算法 主动声纳系统 湖上试验 Adaptive notch filter, Complex algorithms, Active sonar system, Lake trial
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