Using modified silver-impregnation technique and Nigrosin method, the morphogenesis during binary fission and conjugation in Euplotes woodruffi has been investigated. The cortical morphogenetic patterns in both reproductive cycles are similar to those of other members of the genus Euflotes reported by other authors, but some details which were overlooked formerly have been clarified in the present species. During fission the proter inherits the parental adoral zone of membranelles and paroral membranelle as well as the parental cytopharynx apparently unchanged. The contractile vacuole pores for future daughter cells originate separately from the 5th cirral field in the fronto-ventro-transverse primordium at early stage. During conjugation the cytoplasmic fusion between the two conjugants is restricted within a rhomboid area situated in the anterior left corner inside the AZM, Where the wound is healed by thin and dense ac-tinoid silver line network after the conjugants separate. Two steps of morphogenetic reorganization were found in conjugant and exconjugant. The first step initiates dedifferentiation of the entire ventral ciliature including the oral apparatus and redifferentiation of a new set of cirri and the anterior part of the new AZM. The paroral membranelle and its associate cyto-pharynx as well as the buccal cirrus are missing from this step. The membranellar pattern exchanging site which is seen in the vegetative AZM exists in the posterior portion of the incomplete AZM of the exconjugant. The 2nd step involves replacement of all the cirri including the buccal one, and completion of the oral apparatus by redifferentiation of the posterior half of the AZM and of the paroral membranelle with its associate cytopharynx in an additional buccal pouch. The morphogenetic similarities between Euplotes and Stylonychia are summarized and it is proposed that the homology in conjugational morphogenesis between Eu-plotes and other hypotrichous ciliates should not be neglected in consideration of new systmatics of ciliated protozoa.
Euplotes woodruffi, morphogenesis, stomatogenesis, binary fission, conjugation