
油气地质学中的活动论 被引量:1

Mobilistic Ideas in Oil and Gas Geology
摘要 介绍了油气地质学领域中的活动论观点。指出,烃类可通过各种途径生成:烃类的生成不仅遵循传统的沉积-运移理论,而且也可生成于裂谷型底部含水沉积盆地中,当有相当高的热流时,生烃岩不需要沉降到3km以下就能生烃;在全球油气生成过程中,不能排除烃类由矿物合成的可能性;无机合成的烃类成分主要为甲烷,而生成现今的石油还需要有有机质和其他有效催化剂的加入才行,可见,石油和天然气的生成是多源的。在油气地质学领域中引入活动论的观点,开拓了油气工作者的视野,发现了一些非传统的勘探领域(掩伏带、地台基底、脉状油气聚集带等);改变了传统油气地质学的理论基础,指出了油气勘探的新方向,促使我们研制出适于油气勘探、开发的各种新方法。 The author presents the main results of mobilistic ideas recognition in up-to-date oil and gas geology. HC generation may occur by different ways: not only by scenario of classical sedimentary-migration theory. HC fluid may be generated indirectly in bottom sediments of water basins of riftogenic type under sufficiently high heat flow that do not require submersion of original oil and gas source mass at the depth of 3 km and more (riftogenic model). In global process of oil and gas generation it should not be excluded the mineral synthesis of HC which may occur by different schemes. However, nonorganic synthesis produces predominantly methane, while present oils in their formation require organic matter participation or the other effective catalyst. However, oil and gas genesis should be considered as mixed (mixed genetic, polygenic). As a global regularity of spatial distribution of oil and gas territories one can follow a tendency of outlining units of oil and gas geological zoning -- oil and gas accumulation belts within which oil and gas provinces or basins are singled out. Forecasting of new (not discovered) poles of oil and gas accumulation gives explorers additional possibilities to increase HC reserves. Due to belted distribution of oil and gas fields in the lithosphere as well as geodynamic (plate-tectonic) approaches to their genesis understanding, the principles of oil and gas geological zoning of the subsurface are also modified. Adoption of mobilistic approach in oil and gas geology provides petroleum geologists with new guide lines in exploratory process. In particular, non-traditional exploration objects appear: underthrust zones, basement of platform areas, veined zones of oil and gas accumulation and etc. all the significantly widens horizons of exploration activity for oil and gas and gives a hope of possible prolongation of oil and gas epoch of human civilization.
出处 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期123-127,共5页 Xinjiang Petroleum Geology
关键词 油气生成有机说 油气生成无机说 岩石圈板块 裂谷 俯冲带 仰冲带 地台基底 organic theory inorganic theory lithosphere plate rift subduction belt obduction belt platform basement
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