Adult guardianship in American law before its reform tries to protect the security of transaction in order to safeguard the interests of society. Once the guardianship was set up, the adult in guardianship lost the freedom to act in all or most aspacts. In fact, law scholars in America have studied adult guardianship since 1960s and the achievements they have got possess the dominant position in this field. Adult guardianship reform in American law just concentrates their wisdom. Nowadays a court which once decides that an incapacitated adult needs protection through guardianship will proclaim the scope of his legal capacity and will try its best to make what it has proclaimed fit the real situation of that incapacitated adult. From plenary guardianship to limited guardianship can describe precisely what adult guardianship in American law has achieved through its reform. From abstract person to concrete person which essentially demonstrates the changes of Civil law from recent times to modem times, I believe, can also describe the achievements of Adult guardianship reform in American law. Studying the Adult guardianship reform in American law in order that our future civil law can benefit from it, is the purpose of this text.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law
the right to decide by oneself
limited guardianship