
MIMO系统中的空时分组编码及其性能分析 被引量:2

Space-time block code and its performance analysis in MIMO system
摘要 对多输入多输出(MIMO)系统,结合空时编码(STC)技术可实现一定的空间分集和时间分集,有效地增加系统容量,在提高频谱利用率的同时改善了传输可靠性。空时分组码(STBC)利用正交设计的原理,使得最大似然(ML)译码运算仅为简单的线性处理,由于简单的译码复杂度,因而成为实践应用中非常有吸引力的方案。 In the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system, combined with space- time coding(STC) technology, we can obtain the diversity in both space and time domains. Thus the STC can significantly increase the system capacity, enhance the spectrum utilization and improve the reliability of the wireless transmission. The space -time block code(STBC) exploits orthogonal designs, which has a very simple maximum likelihood decoding algorithm based only on linear processing at the receiver. So the STBC has attracted considerable attention in the practical application due to its low decode complexity.
作者 张凌雁 邵朝
出处 《西安邮电学院学报》 2008年第1期28-32,共5页 Journal of Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 MIMO 分集 空时分组码 正交设计 准正交设计 MIMO diversity STBC orthogonal designs quasi-orthogonal designs
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