一、形制 认识彩笺的第一步,是了解它的形制。不过,这样做的时候,我们会遇到一个不小的障碍:现存的绝大部分明清尺牍,几乎都经过了藏家的装裱甚至裁切,因此已不能完全反映笺纸的原貌了。要搞清它们原先的模样,需要分辨装裱前后不同的痕迹,做些推测。
This paper gives a systematic introduction to writing paper and reviews the history of writing paper so that people will have a clear idea about colorful writing paper from the end of Ming dynasty to the R, epublic of China period. In the first chapter, the author introduces form and dyeing of white paper. In the second chapter, the author discusses overprint and other subject. In the third to eighth chapters, the author introduces shading and frame of colorful paper, paper with painting of figures, landscape, flowers and birds, and various things. In chapter nine, the author introduces paper made by famous people. In the end, the author makes a brief introduction to writing paper made during the republic of China period and put forward some issue worth discussing.