
全数字B超的信号处理 被引量:3

Signal processing of totally digitalized B-ultrasonography
摘要 全数字B超是超声医疗仪器的发展方向,它的基本技术特点是用数字硬件电路来实现数据量极其庞大的超声信号的实时处理。概述了全数字B超的发展方向及主要的信号处理技术,包括动态滤波、对数放大、包络检波和二次采样,并详细介绍了国内外信号处理各阶段采用的方法。 Totally digitalized B-ultrasonography is the tendency of the development of ultrasonic medical instruments. Its basic technical characteristic is realizing real-time processing of the extremely huge ultrasonic data with digital electric circuit. This paper summarized the tendency of development and the primary techniques of signal processing, which including dynamic filtering, log amplification, envelope detection and secondary sampiing. Furthermore, various techniques in different procedure of signal processing are introduced in detail.
作者 周盛 杨军
出处 《国际生物医学工程杂志》 CAS 2007年第6期356-360,共5页 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering
关键词 全数字 B超 信号处理 totally digitalized B-ultrasonography signal processing
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