Objective To set up and assess use of MTr and Alamar blue assay methods for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (M1C) of anti-tuberculoisis drug for Mycobocterium tuberculosis. Method The M1C of 12 anti-tuberculosis agents to H37Rv were determined respectively by MTT and Alamar Blue assay methods and compared with the conventional two folds dilutions method. Results For MTr and Alamar blue assays , the time for obtaining results was 7 days and 10 days respectively. The MICs determined by either MTT or Alamar blue assay were highly correlated with those by the two folds dilutions. The determinate corresponding rate of Alama Blue assay was 97.7%(11/12),MTr assay was 75%(9/12). Conclusion Alamar blue and MTr for anti-tuberculosis drugs assays are sensitive, rapid, inexpensive, and offers the potential for performing rapid high - throughout scrEening of compounds against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor