

摘要 1985年秋本所同志从贵州省采回大批原尾虫标本,其中在遵义市内一个小丘上所采的标本,经鉴定系一新种和新属,这一新种和亚洲檗蚖科的种类颇不相同,却和南美洲的种类十分近似,现记述如下。模式标本保存于中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。 The present paper describs a new species of Protura, which is representing a new genus of Berberentomidae. All the specimens were collected from Zunyi, Guizhou Province, by Tang and Jin in Oct. 1985. The types are preserved in the collection of Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Academia Sinica, Notentulus Yin gen. nov. Type species. Notentulus zunyinicus Yin, gen. et sp. nov. Berberentomid with 2-4 setae and a sensilla on labial palp. The abdominal appendage Ⅱ - Ⅲ each with 2 setae, the apical one lateral and about half the length of the subapical one. Sensilla t -1 on foretarsus baculiform, and b' absent. Abdominal tergite Ⅶ with uneven number of anterior setae. The striate band with short irregular striae and arranged in, omre or less, a waved line. Comb oblique and slightly concave, armed with sparsely sharp teeth. One row of 4 setae on sternite Ⅷ. Female squama genitalis weak, with pointed stylus. To the new genus belong the Mexican species: Notentulus tropicus (Bonet 1942) comb. nov. syn. Acerentulus tropicum Bonet 1942, Acerntulus tropicus Tuxen 1961, Berberentulus tropicus Tuxen 1964. Noteniulus zunynincus Yin, gen. et sp. nov. (Figs. 1-16) Total length 1300-1460 μ. Head 124-133 x 89-94 μ, with a short rostrum about 8-10 μ long. Pseudoculus broader than long, 8-9 x 10-12 μ, PR = 14 -16. Labial palp with 4 setae and a sensilla. Maxillary papl with a tuft on tip and 2 strong scnsillac on penultimate segment. The calyx on the canal of maxillary gland is heart-shaped with lobed distal excrescencies, and the proximal canal without distinct dilatation on the blind end. Foretarsus 108-118 μ in length and claw 31-35 μ, TR = 3.3-3.5. Empodium 3-4 μ long, EU = 0.09-0.1. Dorsal sensilla t-1 claviform, BS = 0.38 - 0.45; t -2 thin and long, t -3 stout and cone-shaped. Exterior sensillae a long, its tip reaching to γ3, b surpassing the base of f, c slightly shorter than d, d very near to c and in the same level with t-2. e long, reaching the base ot the unguis; f at the middle of e and g, and about the same length as g. Interior sensillae a' broader and slightly distal to t-1. b' absent, c thin and long. The midtarsus 51-55 μ. in length, claw 22 μ; hindtarsus 59-65 μ long, and claw 23-24 μ. The thorasic and abdominal chaetotaxy as shown in table 1. The Ⅱ-Ⅲ abdominal appendages 1-segmented, each bearing a long suba-pical and a shorter apical seta, which about half the length of the longer one. Abdominal tcrgitc Ⅵ with 4 pairs of anterior setae and 9 pairs of posterior setae. Tergile Ⅶ with exceptional 7 anterior setae. The striate band with irregular short striae. The comb concave and fringed with 7-9 sharp teeth posteriorly. Female squama genitalis with pointed stylus. Syntypc: 4 ♀♀, 5(?)(?), Zunyi, Guizhou Province, alt. 1040 M, Oct.-6, 1985, by B. Tang and G. Jin. Prcimago: Total length 1120 μ and head 125 μ long. Psudoculus 8 x 11μ. Foretarsus 98-99 μ long, claw 28 μ, TR=3.56. EU = 0.09. BS = 0.43. Mid-tarsus 50 μ. long and claw 21 μ; hindtarsus 53 μ long and claw 22 μ. The chaetotaxy is nearly the same as the adult, with the only exception is 8/16 setae on tergite Ⅵ, p3' not yet appeared. The male squama genitalis not fully developed, only the posterior half can be observed. 105 Maturus junior: Total length 920-960 μ. Head 108-114 μ long, pseudo-culus 6-8 x 8-10 μ. Foretarsus 86-89 u in length, claw 26-28 u, TR = 3.2-3.4; EU = 0.11. BS = 0.38-0.40. Midtarsus 41 μ long, claw 15-17 p, hind-tarsus 45-47 μ long, claw 18-19 μ. The chaetotaxy was tabulated in table 1. Larva Ⅱ : Total lenght 750-790 μ. Head 95-97 μ long. Pseudoculus 6-8 x 8-10 μ. Foretarsus 61-71 μ in length, claw 23-25 μ, TR = 2.6-2.9. EU = 0.08-0.09. BS = 0.44-0.45. Midtarsus 30-33 μ long and claw 16-17 μ; hindt-arsus 33-39 μ long, claw 17-18 μ. Larva Ⅰ : Total length 520-560 μ. Head 70-83 μ, long, pseudoculus 6-8 x 7-8 μ. Foretarsus 47-55 μ long and claw 16-22 μ, TR = 2.7-3.0, EU = 0.09, BS = 0.4-0.5. Midtarsus 24-26 μ. long, claw 12-14 μ; hindtarsus 30-37 μ. long and claw
作者 尹文英
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 1989年第2期97-106,共10页 动物学研究(英文)
关键词 原尾虫 南Yuan属 亚马逊Yuan属 Protura, Guizhou Province, Notentulus, Arnazonentulus, Bcrber- cnlomidae, larval stages.
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  • 1尹文英,昆虫学研究集刊,1985年,5卷,171页
  • 2尹文英,昆虫学研究集刊,1983年,3卷,151页








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