

Representation Crisis in J.M.Coetzee's "Foe"
摘要 科兹的小说《仇敌》描写了文学和现实生活既势不两立,又不可须臾分离的怪异状态———小说的女主人公渴望成为一部小说的主角,然而在现实生活中她却是藉藉无名之辈。后现代主义小说确实是对传统小说的一场"革命"。科兹通过多种文学策略,加上蒙太奇的叙述与画面的显示,使得现实与历史混融交错,人物的内心世界与外部世界重叠,亦真亦幻,从而体现了科兹所关心的表述危机和后现代主义小说的多元主义及不确定性等特征。 Based on J. M. Coetzee' s Foe,the paper elaborates on the rebellion the postmodern novels uphold. J. M. Coetzee adopts various literary techniques, coupled with montage narrative and visual images to achieve the fusion of history and reality and mixture of inner and outer world of the characters in the novel and further explores representation crisis and multiplicity and indeterminacy of the postmodern novel that J. M. Coetzee is deeply concerned with.
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2007年第6期113-118,共6页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 科兹 FOE 危机 混融 真实虚构性 后现代主义 多元主义 不确定性 Coetzee Foe representation crisis fusion fictiveness of truth postmodernism multiplicity indeterminacy
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