With advantages of realism and accurcy, the Motion Capture technology achieves great rapid promotion. Since it has been introduced to computer animation, and we can see Motion Capture technology in many field of people's life. However, the technology also has some shortcomings, the most important one of Motion Capture is the high cost. So how to effciently reuse existing motion capture data has become a major focus in computer graphics research. This paper will analysis and compare the reuse technology of motion capture data in detailed. The reuse technology we talking about here refers to reusing motion data which only need much less artificial interactive. According to the principles and processing methods, we will divide the motion reusing into three major categories:the direct reuse of Motion Capture data; the indirect reuse Motion Capture data and the hybrid methods of the former two. we will mainly emphasize on various representative techniqes, and analyze their performance or possible improvements.
Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology