
信息时代的作战指挥控制系统 被引量:3

The command and control system at information times
摘要 在漫长的历史长河中,与人类社会物质、能量、信息三大主导要素的更替相暗合,人类战争中介系统经历了手足中介、平台中介、信息中介三次革命。如果从13世纪中叶的火药由古代中国经阿拉伯传入欧洲并引发火药化军事革命算起,平台中介战争至今已持续了800年,即使是典型的机械化战争也有100多年的历史。目前的作战指挥控制系统是工业时代的产物,是典型的平台中心战的产物。目前已进入信息时代,如何改造目前的指挥控制系统以适应信息化时代的需要,即如何在由机械化时代转向信息化时代的转型期研制出新一代作战指挥控制系统是本文讨论的重点。 In the long history, the medium system of human battle experienced three revolutions namely hand medium, platform medium, information medium according to the subrogation of human community' s three dominant elements which are substance, energy and information. If we account from the middle period of 13th century when the powder introduced to Europe from China, platform medium battle has lasted for 800 years, even if the typical machine battle has a history more than 100 years. The current command and control system is the product of industrial times, and also a typical product of platform centric battle. We have entered the information times, and how to change our control system to meet the need of information times, i.e., how to develop a new control system at the converting period from mechanization times to information times is the focus of this paper.
出处 《电光与控制》 北大核心 2008年第1期1-5,共5页 Electronics Optics & Control
关键词 指挥控制系统 信息时代 转型 战争 command and control system information times converting period battle
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