
面向多自治域网格的信息服务模型及其实现 被引量:3

Research and Implementation of Information Service Model on Grid with Multiple Autonomous Domains
摘要 网格是实现分布异构资源共享的有效模式,而信息服务实现系统服务与资源的有效管理,是网格系统的重要组成部分.ChinaGrid是由多个自治域组成的大规模网格,现有的信息服务不能满足此类系统特性与应用需求.文中提出网格信息服务体系GISA2.0,强化了域自治管理和资源信息的安全性.GISA2.0实现了可扩展的网格信息模型和面向服务、支持多种监控信息聚集的层次化信息管理框架.提出了基于分布XPath引擎的多域资源信息检索机制,实现了安全、快速和用户相关的虚拟全局资源视图. Grid is an effective pattern for implementing heterogeneous resource sharing. Information service is a vital component of grid system, it carries out efficient management of system services and resources. ChinaGrid is a large-scale grid containing multiple autonomous domains. Existing information services can not meet the requirements of systems and applications with such kind of characteristics. This paper presents GISA2.0 (Grid Information Service Architecture, GISA), focusing on autonomous domain management and resource information security. GISA2.0 implements a scalable grid information model and service-oriented hierarchical information management framework, which supports the aggregation of monitoring information from multiple monitoring systems. To achieve secure, fast, and user-related virtual global resource view, GISA2.0 uses a cross-domain information retrieval mechanism based on distributed XPath engine.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期65-76,共12页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金(2001CG1101) 国家“八六三”高技术研究发展计划项目基金(2006AA01Z162) 教育部中国教育科研网格计划ChinaGrid资助
关键词 多自治域网格 CHINAGRID 信息服务 分布XPath引擎 资源视图 multiple autonomous domain XPath engine resource view grid ChinaGrid information service distributed
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