Objective:To reveal characteristics and revolutions of NS genes of human avian H5N1 influenza strains by analysis of sequences of NS gene. Methods :The NS gene of human avian H5N1 influenza in Guangdong was sequenced and the global NS genes of strains were searched out from internet ; They were analyzed by DNAStar 5. 0 by means of studying the revolutionary speeds combining with the epidemiological data. Results:According to the homologous comparison of NS1 and NS2 nuecletides,the NS genes were classified into two groups : the strains from Hong Kong during 1997 - 1998 ( G1 ) and the strains during 2003 - 2006 (G2) ; Where the NS genes in strains from Vietnam and Thailand during 2004 -2005 were the first subtype (G2a), the NS genes in strains from Indonesia during 2005 -2006 the second subtype(G2b) ,the NS genes in strains from China mainland and Hang Kong during 2003 -2006 the third subtype(G2c) and the NS genes in strains from Turkey, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Egypt in 2006 the 42. There were 74 substitutions of amino acids in NS1 in all strains, with a ratio of 32.2 % (74/230) ; Where there were substitutions of three amino acids ( A086T, F201Y and P215L) in ZJ-16-06 and GD-01-06. There were 31 substitutions of amino acids in NS2 in all strains,with a ratio of 25.6% (31/121) ; There were substitutions of three amino acids (E/K036 G, S044T and L058 F) in ZJ-16-06 and GD-01-06 as well. In the synonymous variation,Kss in NS1 was 10. 11×10^-6 - 33.38×10^-6 Nt/d and Kas in NS1 was 11.55 ×10^-6 - 17. 58×10^-6 Nt/d. There existed obviously the immunological pressure and obviously selective pressure by biological test on NS, s in the most strains but not obviously selective pressure on NS1 in GD-01-06. In comparison with NS1 genes, mutation in NS2 gene decreased, especially in the replacement substition (Kss were between 15.5× 10^-6 - 25.5 ×10^-6 Nt/d, Kas were between 7.39×10^-6 - 10. 1×10^-6 Nt/d). There was a deletion of AAs0_s4(TIASV)in strains NS1 gene during 2003 -2006 but no variation of glycosylated domain. Conclusion: NS (NS1 and NS2 ) genes are classified into two groups and they not only evolved rapidly but also are born a pressure by the immunological pressure. A deletion of AAs0 -s4 TIASV in NS1 during 2003 - 2006 may result in variation of the viral pathogenesis. It is shown that the evolution on NS genes in China mainland strains is going forward other direction as there are three domain substitutions of amino acid respectively in NS1 and NS2 from other strains. NS genes of human avian H5N1 influenza strains are varied frequently in nucleotide sequence, which might have an influence on the probability of human-human transmission and initiate a new pandemic of human avian H5N1 influenza.
Chinese Journal of Immunology
Human avian influenza
H5N1 Strain
NS Gene