采用猪大肠杆菌C83549(O149∶K88ac)、C83644(O68∶K99)、C83710(O9∶987P)菌株制备抗原,以蜂胶为佐剂,研制仔猪大肠埃希氏菌病三价蜂胶灭活疫苗,疫苗成品各项检验均符合相关要求。将疫苗免疫妊娠母猪并用微量凝集试验测定其所产仔猪的抗体消长规律,并研究疫苗免疫保护情况。结果表明:妊娠母猪产前40 d和15 d各免疫1次,所产仔猪母源抗体效价较高,仔猪在整个哺乳期都可以得到保护。同时也可运用产前30 d和10 d进行免疫接种的方法。
E. coli trivalent inactivated vaccine for newborn piglets was developed using C83549 (O149: K88ac), C83644 (O68: K99), C83710 (O9: 987P) bacterium strains as its antigen and in propolis -adjuvant. After a series of detecting tests, five batches of the vaccine produced in lab were proved harmless and potent. Agglutination test was applied to exam antibody level of the piglets. The results showed that maternal antibody titer of suckling pigs produced by sow vaccinated two times was higher, and the piglets can be protected from E. coli attacking during nursing period.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug