[Objective] To evaluate the clinical efficacy of anterior focus clearance and bone graft with titanium mesh cage and posterior approach pedicle internal fixation in thoracolumbar tuberculosis. [Methods] A total of 46 patients with thoracolumbar tuberculosis were treated with anterior focus clearance and bone graft with titanium mash cage and posterior approach pedicle internal fixation. The efficacy of bone graft fusion and kyphosis deformity were analyzed according to X-ray before and after operation. [Results] All cases were followed up from 1 to 3 years (mean 26 months) postoperatively. All the cases got solid fusion in 3-7 months without any recurrence. The average Cobb's angle was corrected from 35 degree preoperatively to 16.5 degree postoperatively. [Conclusion] Patients with thoracolumbar tuberculosis can be successfully treated by anterior focus clearance, bone graft with titanium mesh cage and posterior approach pedical internal fixation which allows thorough clearance of focus, effective correction of kyphosis deformity, the stability of spinal reconstruction and solid graft fusion. Its clinical efficacy is satisfactory.
Journal of Clinical Research