

Income distribution method and debt economy of the United States
摘要 近年来,随着金融体系的不断完备,美国的债务经济也迅速发展起来。从功能性收入分配的视角来看,在成熟的现代资本主义生产体系中,随着资本有机构成的提高,工业制造等实业部门难以生产出高额利润;从规模性收入分配的视角来看,美国收入分配不平等的程度加深,严重地制约了消费需求的进一步提高,生产与需求之间的矛盾日益明显。债务经济的发展不仅增加了金融资本和实业资本的获利性,而且通过扩大信用刺激了有效需求的增加,是美国抵制过剩危机和经济停滞的主要对策之一。资本主义积累的过程取决于工资的不断降低,而它最终却要依赖以工资为基础的消费来支持经济增长和投资。在这样的一种经济体系中,低工资消费者们难以继续支持家庭债务负担。依靠债务消费的刺激来解决过剩危机并非长久之计。 In recent years, with the perfection of financial system, the debt economy develops in the United States. From the angle of functionally income distribution, in developed modern capitalism production system, with the promotion of organic composition of capital, production departments such as industrial manufacturers are difficult to produce high profit. From the angle of income distribution on scale, the income distribution degree of the inequality in the United States is deepened, which seriously restrict the further rise of consumption demand, and the contradiction between production and demand becomes more and more obvious. The development of debt economy not only increases the profitability of financial capital and industrial capital but also increases effective demand by enlarging credit, which is one of main countermeasures for the United States to deal with surplus crisis and economic stagnation. The process of capitalism accumulation depends on continually decreasing wages, however, economic growth and investment are supported by consumption based on wa- ges. In this kind of economic system, the consumers who have low salary can not continue to support family debt burden. That surplus crisis is solved by the incentive of debt consumption is not a long-term method.
作者 胡莹
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期58-63,共6页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"战后西方发达国家市场经济理论政策和制度架构变迁及其借鉴"(05&ZD005)阶段性成果
关键词 美国利润率 收入差距 债务经济 分配效应 United States profit rate income gap debt economy incomedisribution effect
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