
4个微卫星座位多态性与萨福克羊体尺指标相关性的初步研究 被引量:11

Preliminary study on correlation between four micro-satellite locus polymorphism and body traits in Suffolk sheep
摘要 【目的】利用微卫星DNA在萨福克羊群体中的多态性预测绵羊群体的肉用性能。【方法】选用4个微卫星座位对萨福克羊群体的等位基因频率、多态信息含量、有效等位基因数、群体杂合度进行了遗传检测,并在分子水平上测定了4个微卫星座位与12个体尺性状的关系。【结果】4个微卫星座位在萨福克羊群体中存在遗传多态性,可用于绵羊遗传多样性的评估。在基因座BM1824中,基因型DI对萨福克羊的肉用性能有显著正效应(P<0.05),而基因型HH有显著负效应(P<0.05);在基因座ETH225中,基因型CG、EH和EI对萨福克羊肉用性能有显著正效应(P<0.05);在基因座ETH152中,基因型AF、BH和CG对萨福克羊的产肉性能有显著正效应(P<0.05);在基因座IDVGA46中,基因型AH对萨福克羊肉用性能有显著负效应(P<0.05),基因型CI对肉用性能有显著正效应(P<0.05)。【结论】利用微卫星DNA多态性预测绵羊的肉用性能是可行的,可用于指导绵羊育种的实践。 [Objective] The meat performance of Suffolk sheep population was forecasted by polymorphism of micro-satellite DNA. [Method] Allele frequence, polymorphism information contents, number of effective alleles and heterozygosity were studied in Suffolk sheep by using four micro-satellite locus respec- tively. Correlation was estimated between polymorphism of four micro-satellite locus and twenty body measurement traits of Suffolk sheep at molecule level. [Result] The results indicated that genetic polymor- phisms existed and four micro-satellite locus can be used to evaluate genetic diversity of sheep breeds. Results also showed that DI genotype has positive and HH genotype has negative correlation with meaty traits of Suffolk sheep in BM1824 loci,that CG,EH and EI genotype have positive correlation with meaty traits of Suffolk sheep in ETH225 loci,that AH,BH and CG genotype have positive correlation with meaty traits of Suffolk sheep in ETH152 loci,that AH genotype has negative and CI genotype has positive correlation with meaty traits of Suffolk sheep in IDVGA46 loci. [Conclusion] It was feasible to forecast meat performance of sheep by genetic polymorphism of micro-satellite DNA and it can be used for practice in sheep breeding.
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期43-48,53,共7页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 农业部农业结构调整重大项目“肉羊舍饲高效养殖技术研究与示范”(05-07-13B)
关键词 萨福克羊 微卫星DNA 遗传多样性 肉用性能 Suffolk sheep micro satellite DNA genetic polymorphism meat performance
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