本文报告了645只蒙古旱獭体重体长变化与年龄的关系。结果表明:体重体长随年龄增长而递增,但体重和体长的增长速度和幅度不同。体重增长速度较快,幅度较大;体长增长速度较慢,幅度较小。经相关分析证明:体重体长与年龄呈正相关,相关系数和回归方程为: Y_w=1377.16x^(O.7729),R_w=0.9970; Y_L=33.95x^(0.2529),R_L=0.9947。 并根据相邻两个年龄组间体重均数有显著性差异(P<0.01),频数分布重叠不明显;组内变异具有一致性等特征,参考各年龄组蒙古早獭体重标准值(Mean ±Sx),划分了各年龄组早獭的体重范围。
This paper reports the relation between changes of their body weight body length and their age growing of 645 Marmota sibirica. It turned out that their body weight and body length increase by degrees along with their age growing, but the increasing speed of their body weight and body length range is different. Their body weight increases more quickly and their range is larger, but their body length increases more slowly and their range is less. It proved, according to analysis ot correlation that their body weight and body length arc positive correlation with their age. The coefficient of correlation and the regression equation are like this:
Yw=1377.16x0.7720, Rw = 0. 9970;
YL=33.95x0.2529, RL = 0.9947.
And in the terms of the significant difference (P<0.01) of their weight aver age between two neigboring age groups, the frequency disitribution overlaps unclearly and there is the feature that their changes show no difference and so on. Referring to the standard value (Mean ± Sx) of their weight of eveng age group, we delimit the range of the body weight of Marmota sibirica in each age group, Age group Range of body weight (g)
1 200-1800 g
2 1801-2600 g
3 2601-3600 g
4 3601-4500 g
5 4501-5500 g
6 5500g Over.
Marmota sibirica, Population age composition, Dividing of age.