This article described the animal experiment and primary clinical application of Nd: YAG laser in endoscopy-stereotactic neurosurgery. The experiment shows that vaporization ofNd: YAG laser is so limited and necrosis is significant. Irrigation is benifit for decreasing thelaser-induced edema. On the basis of animal experiment, Application of laser in endoscopy-stereo-tactic neurosurgery had been underdone in 12 patients whose lesions located in deep-sited and func-tional areas since September, 1994. Brain tumors were resected totally or partly in 6 cases. Ab-scesses were aspirated and removed in 2 cases. Parasite in 1 case and intracranial foreign metalbodies in 3 cases were extracted. Biopsies were made under direct visualization in all cases. Goodresults were obtained. It is considered that ELS has advantages of minimal invasion, direct intra-operative visualization and less complications.
Journal of Naval General Hospital of PLA