
坚持科技创新 为铁路建设又好又快发展提供技术支撑 被引量:1

Adhere to Scientific and Technological Innovation to Provide Technical Support for Better and Faster Development of Railway Construction
摘要 本文对党的十六大以来铁路建设科技创新的主要成果进行了全面的总结,对其基本经验进行了系统的分析,指出:党的十六大以来,铁道部坚持瞄准世界一流水平,充分发挥铁路后发优势;坚持原始创新、集成创新和引进吸收再创新,走中国铁路自主创新之路;坚持铁道部统一组织,形成联合攻克关键技术的科技创新模式;坚持人才强路战略,造就高素质的铁路科技创新队伍,取得了前所未有的显著成就。高原铁路建设技术达到世界一流先进水平,铁路既有线提速技术跻身世界先进行列,铁路重载运输技术达到世界先进水平,铁路客运专线建设技术取得重大突破,主要客站、大型桥梁、特长隧道、特殊路基等工程设计和建造技术实现重大创新,机车车辆装备现代化取得重大进展,通信信号和信息化技术迈上新台阶,安全技术装备水平大幅提升,环保理念和环保技术取得长足进步。为提升铁路建设科技水平,加快铁路建设现代化进程,增强铁路服务经济社会发展能力,提供了强有力的技术支撑。同时指出了今后铁路科技创新还需加强和完善的方向。其深刻论述将为铁道工程科学技术界今后的工作理清思路、明确目标。本刊特此刊出,以供业界研究。 The comprehensive summaries are made for the main achievements in scientific and technical innovation of railway construction since the 16th C.P.C. conference and the analyses are made for the basic experiences of them in this paper. It is pointed out in this paper Ministry of Railways has achieved unprecedented successes since the 16th C.P.C. conference, with adhering to the strategies of aiming at the world's first class level with making full use of sequent favourable factor, taking railway self-innovative road with original innovation, integrated innovation and re-innovation based on introduction and absorption, jointly tackling the key technical problems with the scientific and technological innovation mode under the leadership of MOR and powering the railway with bringing up highly qualified talent teams for railway's scientific and technical innovation. Now Chinese railway has reaches at the world's first class level in the technologies of construction of plateau railway, speed-raise on existing line and heavy haul traffic. In addition, the main breakthroughs have been made in construction technologies of passenger dedicated line, the main technical innovations have been made in design and construction of main passenger station, large-sized bridge, extreme long tunnel and special subgrade, the main progresses have been made in modernization of rolling stock, the technology and equipment have been improved much for signalling, communication, IT and safety, and the concept and technology of environmental protection have been more advanced. All these provide the powerful technical support for improving scientific and technical level of railway construction, speeding the process of modernization of railway construction and strengthening the railway service to social and economic developments. The way of improving railway scientific and technological innovation in future is also pointed out. All these views are worth studying for the construction industry so as to make clear the working thoughts and targets in future.
作者 卢春房
出处 《铁道工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2008年第1期1-7,共7页 Journal of Railway Engineering Society
关键词 科技创新 铁路建设 技术支撑 scientific and technological innovation railway construction technical support
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