
高温超导混合悬浮系统与常导悬浮系统的功耗分析 被引量:4

Comparison of the Power Consumption between the HTS Hybrid Suspension System and the Normal Electromagnetic Suspension System
摘要 为减小悬浮能耗,增大悬浮气隙,研究由高温超导线圈和常导线圈组成的高温超导混合悬浮系统,并与常导悬浮系统作功耗比较。设计了由高温超导线圈与常导线圈构成的混合悬浮系统,建立悬浮系统的数学模型。研制适用于高温超导混合悬浮系统的四象限斩波器以及基于数字信号处理器的数字控制器,实现悬浮系统的稳定悬浮。实验数据表明:在8,13,18 mm悬浮气隙下,常导悬浮对应的线圈电流分别为8.6,15.8和19.5 A,而高温超导混合悬浮对应的常导线圈电流分别是0.3,0.4和0.9 A,说明高温超导混合悬浮系统中线圈的功率比常导悬浮系统要小很多。因此,与传统的常导悬浮系统相比,高温超导混合悬浮系统能大大节省悬浮功耗,可以实现更大气隙的稳定悬浮。 In order to decrease energy-consumption and enlarge suspension gap, high temperature superconductor (HTS) hybrid electromagnetic suspension system composed of HTS coil and normal coil was researched, and its power consumption was compared with that of normal electromagnetic suspension system. HTS hybrid electromagnetic suspension system was designed, and the mathematical model of this system was established first. Then the four-quadrant chopper and the controller based on digital signal processor (DSP) for this hybrid suspension system were developed to realize the stable suspension of the hybrid system. The experiment data show that when the suspension air gap is 8, 13 and 18 mm, the corresponding current in the normal coil of electromagnetic suspension system is 8.6, 15.8 and 19.5 A, while the corresponding current in the normal coil of hybrid electromagnetic suspension system is 0. 3, 0.4 and 0.9 A. The result proves that the power of normal coil of hybrid electromagnetic suspension system is much less than that of pure normal electromagnetic suspension system. Therefore the hybrid suspension system can save much more energy and therefore can realize larger suspension gap compared with normal electromagnetic suspension system.
作者 王莉 陈国辉
出处 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期89-92,共4页 China Railway Science
关键词 混合磁悬浮 高温超导 悬浮功率 Hybrid magnetic suspension High temperature superconducting (HTS) Suspension power
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