In the Naneng-Ayong area, the junction of Yunnan and Guanxi in China, due to the strong covered surface and the low geological working efficiency, it is difficult for geological prospecting. In this paper we thoroughly studied the geological prospecting course of the southeastern Yunnan, used the practical experience of the regional geochemical exploration, ore belt (area) geophysical and geochemical prospecting as references, summarized the geophysical and geochemical data of the area and integrated with physical geography of the area, geological and geophysical properties of rock strata and so on. Finally, we chosed 1 : 50000 soil chemical measurement to circle abnormities identified targets and used IP - transient method to orient the spatial distribution of mine (chemical), inferred geophysical anomalies census work procedures and methods from geophysical engineering certification. At the same time we pointed out the geophysical and geochemical selecting method, technical requirements, and field work procedures.
Chinese Journal of Engineering Geophysics