目的 从文献计量角度总结我国近14年睾丸肿瘤研究概况。方法 从CMCC数据库获取所需资料,按主要作者、发文单位、刊文期刊、各地发文数量、基金和文献主要报道方面(诊断、治疗、护理、信息、实验研究)等行计量分析。结果 共检获文献448篇,主要作者、发文单位、刊文期刊、各地发文数量、基金和文献主要报道方面依次为:陈聪德、王劭亮、徐建江、张小东(4篇);中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学(14篇);临床泌尿外科杂志(42篇);山东(46篇);16篇文献得到基金资助;影像诊断占64.66%。结论:从文献外部特征描绘了我国近14睾丸肿瘤诊断的方式。结论本文介绍了我国近14年来对睾丸肿瘤研究的概况及报道内容,希望有助于今后对本病的研究。
Objecative From a point view of metrological literature to analyse the testicular tumor reported during the 1994-2007 period in China. Methods To retrieve the papers about testicular tumor from the 1994 to 2007 on Chinese Medical Current Contents (CMCC), and using the EXCRL to carry out the statistical analysis from different aspects. Results In all 448 papers collected, the first places in order of first author, journal, institution, district and ftmd-in-aic etc were as follws: CHEN Chongde et al.(4 papers); Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College (14 papers); Clinical Journal of Urology(42 papers).Shandong provine(46 papers).16 papers with fund-in-aid, etc. Conclusion This paper from esterior profile in literature tentatively draws the outline of the situation of research of testicular tumor in recent 14 years in China, which would provide a credible basis for further stud of testicular tumor.
Testicular tumor
, Metrological analysis of literature