作者对分布于云南的盘鮈属(Discogobio)鱼类进行了整理,发现其中四个是以往文献中所没有记载过的新种,定名为多鳞盘鮈Discogobis polylepos,sp.nov.长鳔盘鮈D.macrophysallidos,sp.nov.长体盘鮈D.elongatus,sp.nov.短鳔盘鮈D.brachyphysallidos,sp.nov.现记述如下。新种的全模标本均保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。
The present paper deals with the fishes of the genus Discogobio Lin collected from Yunnan. Altogether four new species are reported, they are Discogobio polylepis, D. macrophysallidos, D. elongatus, D. brachy-physallidos.
The type speeimens ars preserved at the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.
Discogobio polylepis, sp, nov. (Fig. 1)
Syntypcs 12, body length 73-121 mm. from Chcngjiang, Wuxiang lake.
D. iii-8 ; A. iii- 5 ; P. i-14-16; V. i-8. L. 1.44 6/4-v 45,around c-
pe-duncle scales 16. Gill-rakers 18-19 (exteral) , 21-25 (inner). Phrygeal teeth 3.5-5.3. vertebrae 4 +37.
Diagnosis; Differs from other known species of Discogobio in larger number of scales in lateral line.
Discogobio macro physallidos, sp. nov. (Fig. 2 )
Syntypes 9, body length 81-114 mm. from Fuyan, Lounpin, Yunnan.
D. iii-8 ; A. iii-5 ; P. i-14-15; V. i-8. L. 1.42 5-6/4-4.5-v 43,
around c-pcdncle scales 16. Gill-rakers 18-22 (exteral) , 21-25 ( inner ). phyrygeal teeth 3.5-5.3. vertebrae 4 +36-37.
Diagnosis: The new species is closely allied to Discogobio yunnanensis (Regan) , but differs 1 ) lateral line scales 42-43 versus 40; 2 ) vertebrae 4 +36-37 versus 34. It is closely allied to Discogobio polylepis,sp. nov., but differs 1 ) lateral line scales 42-43 versus 44-45; 2 ) length of the postero air-bladder cavity is 3.4-4.1 times than that of the front air-bladder cavity versus 1.5-2.1 times.
Discogobio elongatus, sp, nov, (Fig, 3) Syntypes 21, body length 48-108 mm. from Xuanwei, Yunnan ( Zhujiang river system).
D. iii-8 ; A. iii-5; P. i-14-16; V. i-8. L. 1. 42 5-5.5/3-3.5-v 44,
around c-peduncle scales 16. Gill-rakers 20-24 (exteral), 23-28 ( inner). Phyrygeal teeth 3.5-5.3. vertebrae 4 +35-36.
Diagnosis. Differs from other known species of the Discogobio Lin, The ratio of the body length to the hight of the body is 6.0-7.5 times.
Discogobio brachyphysallidos, sp. nov. (Fig. 4 )
Syntypes 23, body length 56-141 mm. from Yiliang, Luopin, Yunnan.
D. iii-8 ; A. iii-5 ; P. i-14-16 ; V. i-8. L. 1.42 5.5-6/3.5-4-v 43,
around c-peduncle scales 16. Gill-rakers 17-19 (exteral), 20-23 ( inner ). phyrygeal teeth 3.5-5.3. vertebrae 4 +34-35.
Diagnosis: This new species is closely allied to Discogobio tetrabarbatus Lin, but differs 1) the scales in the lateral line 42-43 versus 37-39; 2 ) vertebrae 4 +34-35 versus 4 +31; 3) c-peduncle length 1.7-2.0 versus 1.1-1.6.
Cyprinidae, Barbinae, Discogobio, new species, Yunnan