[Objective] To investigate phagocytosis and intraeellular sterilization funetion of neutrophils in patients with HIV-1 infeetion. [Methods] Yeast cells were used to examine phagoeytosis and intracellular baeterioeide function of neutrophils in 13 patients with HIV-1 infeetion and 50 subjects as eontrolsl [ Results] The phagoeytosis and intraeellular bacterioeide funetion of neutrophils in patients with HIV-1 infeetion were Considerably lowered than those in eontrols (P〈0.01). [ Conclusion] Deteetion of phagoeytosis and intracellular sterilization funetion of neutrophils in patients with HIV-1 infection and the ehanged number of white blood cells may be Valuable to explore the reasons of happening superinfeetion faeilely, therapy and prognosis of AIDS patients.
Modern Preventive Medicine