
Modeling and Defending Passive Worms over Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks 被引量:8

Modeling and Defending Passive Worms over Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks
摘要 Passive worms can passively propagate through embedding themselves into some sharing files, which can result in significant damage to unstructured P2P networks. To study the passive worm behaviors, this paper firstly analyzes and obtains the average delay for all peers in the whole transmitting process due to the limitation of network throughput, and then proposes a mathematical model for the propagation of passive worms over the unstructured P2P networks. The model mainly takes the effect of the network throughput into account, and applies a new healthy files dissemination-based defense strategy according to the file popularity which follows the Zipf distribution. The simulation results show that the propagation of passive worms is mainly governed by the number of hops, initially infected files and uninfected files. The larger the number of hops, the more rapidly the passive worms propagate. If the number of the initially infected files is increased by the attackers, the propagation speed of passive worms increases obviously. A larger size of the uninfected file results in a better attack performance. However, the number of files generated by passive worms is not an important factor governing the propagation of passive worms. The effectiveness of healthy files dissemination strategy is verified. This model can provide a guideline in the control of unstructured P2P networks as well as passive worm defense. Passive worms can passively propagate through embedding themselves into some sharing files, which can result in significant damage to unstructured P2P networks. To study the passive worm behaviors, this paper firstly analyzes and obtains the average delay for all peers in the whole transmitting process due to the limitation of network throughput, and then proposes a mathematical model for the propagation of passive worms over the unstructured P2P networks. The model mainly takes the effect of the network throughput into account, and applies a new healthy files dissemination-based defense strategy according to the file popularity which follows the Zipf distribution. The simulation results show that the propagation of passive worms is mainly governed by the number of hops, initially infected files and uninfected files. The larger the number of hops, the more rapidly the passive worms propagate. If the number of the initially infected files is increased by the attackers, the propagation speed of passive worms increases obviously. A larger size of the uninfected file results in a better attack performance. However, the number of files generated by passive worms is not an important factor governing the propagation of passive worms. The effectiveness of healthy files dissemination strategy is verified. This model can provide a guideline in the control of unstructured P2P networks as well as passive worm defense.
出处 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第1期66-72,共7页 天津大学学报(英文版)
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.60633020 and No. 90204012) Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (No. F2006000177)
关键词 network security unstructured peer-to-peer networks passive worms propagationmodel patch dissemination strategy 网络安全 蠕虫病毒 计算技术 防治措施
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