
我国与东亚国家机械类产品产业内贸易实证研究 被引量:4

An Empirical Research on IIT of SITC7 between China and East Asian countries
摘要 利用产业内贸易指数对我国与东亚国家机械类产品(SITC7①)产业内贸易的现状及其影响因素进行实证研究,其结果显示:(1)SITC7在东亚贸易中占极其重要的地位,我国与东亚国家SITC7的产业内贸易水平高于世界平均水平;(2)SITC7产品进口关税的降低、FDI的增加和人均GDP的差距对我国与东亚国家机械类产品的产业内贸易有促进作用;(3)人均固定资本的差异不利于我国与东亚国家SITC7的产业内贸易,要促进水平型的产业内贸易,需要进一步缩小我国和东亚国家的技术差距。 With the subject of the Machinery. and Transport Equipment (SITC7, Rev. 3 ) for the study, it first introduces the development of Intra -industry Trade (IIT) between China and East Asian countries. It then establishes a model for empirical analysis. The results show that tariff's decline, FDI's argument, the increase of gap between trade partners' per capita GDP promote SITC7's IIT, while the increase of gap between trade partners' per capita fixed capital hinders SITC7's IIT. So to promote HIIT, China must try any means to narrow the technological gap between us and East Asian countries.
作者 张海霞 张捷
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 2008年第1期61-67,共7页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"产品内分工 全球生产网络与外贸增长方式转变对策研究"(07CJL022)
关键词 产业内贸易 机械类产品(SITC7) 东亚国家 产业特征 FDI Intra - industry Trade (IIT) Machinery and Transport Equipment ( SITC7 ) East Asia Countries Industrial characteristics FDI
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