
Paxillin在大鼠胰腺发育不同时期表达的研究 被引量:1

Research on Expression of Paxillin in the Development of Rat Pancreas
摘要 目的:研究桩蛋白(Paxillin,Pxn)在胰腺发育不同阶段的表达和细胞定位。方法:运用RT-PCR技术检测Pxn在大鼠胰腺发育不同阶段的mRNA表达水平;运用免疫组织化学检测不同时期桩蛋白在胰腺的定位。结果:RT-PCR结果显示Pxn的mRNA表达量胚胎期高于新生和成年期;免疫组织化学结果显示在不同发育时期桩蛋白不仅在外分泌胰腺有表达,而且在胰岛也有表达。结论:具有调节细胞聚集、粘附迁移功能的桩蛋白可能参与出生后胰岛重塑。 Objective: To investigate the expression and the cell location of paxillin during pancreas development. Methods: RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were used to check paxillin expressions on mRNA level and the location in pancreas respectively in different stage of pancreas development. Results: The expression of paxillin was found much higher in embryonic stage than newborn and adult stage. Paxillin localized both in islets and exocrine pancreas, which was detected by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: With functions of regulating cell aggregation, migration and adhesion paxillin might play roles in islet remodeling after birth.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2008年第1期4-6,15,共4页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
基金 江苏省高校自然科学基金资助(07KJD310139)
关键词 PAXILLIN 胰岛重塑 细胞迁移粘附 RT-PCR 免疫组织化学 Paxillin Islet remodeling Cell adhesion and migration RT- PCR lmmunohistochemistry
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