Objective:To study the diagnostic criterion of adult displastic femoral head anterior sublaxation. Methods:CT findings of 100 cases of normal hips were investigated randomly, meanwhile, the relation of femoral head and the prolonged line both anterior aeetabulum labra, the femoral head abterior space, the femoral head posterior space were evaluated. Correlated analysis was applied to reveal the correlations between the normal group and 28 cases with acetabulum displasia. T-text was applied for the normal groups and the displasia group. Results: There was significant statistical differentce between the normal group and the acetabulum diaplasia group by revealing the relations through measuring both femoral head front edges and anterior aeetabulum labra line, the femoral head abterior space, and the femoral head posterior space. Conclusion: The normal femoral head front edge would not exceed the prolonged line of anterior aeetabulum labras. It is an objective criterion for diagnosing the femoral head anterior sublaxatinn.
Journal of Medical Imaging