目的探讨脑囊虫病的病理分期及磁共振成像(MR I)表现。方法临床确诊的脑囊虫病9例,低场永磁型磁共振机扫描7例,高场超导型磁共振机扫描2例,其中增强扫描8例。检查病例中6例通过化验检查印证,3例经临床抗囊虫治疗证实。结果MR I表现根据发病部位分为脑实质型、脑室型、脑膜型和混合型,病理演变上分为存活期、变性死亡期及吸收钙化期。9例中脑实质型3例,混合型6例;囊虫存活期4例,存活期并变性死亡期2例,变性死亡期2例,吸收钙化期1例。结论MR I对脑囊虫病有较高的诊断价值。MR I能显示脑囊虫病的病理演变过程,判断临床疗效和预后。
Objective To analyze the pathological Staging and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) manifestation of brain cysticercosis. Methods Among 9 cases of brain cysticercosis ,Tcases were examined by downfield type MR machine,2 cases were examined by highfield and superconduct type MR machine, 8 cases were performed enhancement scanning. Six cases were proved by chemical examination,3 cases were proved by clinical treatment. Results The clinical type of brain cysticercosis included cerebral parenchymal type, cerebral ventricular type, meningeal type and mixed type. The pathological stage included survival time ,death phase and calcification phase. Among 9 cases ,3 cases were cerebral parenchymal type ,6 cases were mixed type. Four cases were in survival time ,2 cases were in survival time and death phase ,2 cases were in death phase ,and one cases was in calcification type. Conclusion MRI is very valuable for diagnosis of brain cysticercosis. MRI can showed the pathological developmental process of brain cysticercosis, and evaluate the clinical effect and prognosis.
Journal of Xinxiang Medical University
brain cysticercosis
magnetic resonance imaging
diagnostic value