
国外自我概念结构与测量研究综述 被引量:2

Overseas Studies on Structure and Measurement of Self-Concept:An Overview
摘要 自我概念一直是国外心理学研究的重要内容。对自我概念结构的探讨,经历了从单维模型向阶层模型的转变,与此对应,自我概念的测量也经历了从测量单维结构的第一代量表向测量多维阶层结构的第二代量表的转变。国外通过理论模型建构与实证测量验证互动来研究自我概念对于探究中国人自我概念具有方法论的启示。 Self- concept is always an important topic of psychology outside China. The exploration into the structure of self - concept undergoes the transformation from unidimension model to hierarchical model, and accordingly the measurement of self - concept undergoes the transformation from the first - generation scales to the second - generation scales. The author holds that to study self- concept by the interaction between theoretical construction and validation of measurement gives researchers methodological inspiration to explore self - concept, of the Chinese.
作者 赵必华
出处 《集美大学学报(教育科学版)》 2008年第1期51-54,共4页 Journal of Jimei University:Education Science Edition
关键词 自我概念 单维模型 阶层模型 self - concept unidimension model hierarchical model
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