There are some rules in the pattern of brother names in ancient Chinese. If the names respectively contain two-character given name, it has a same character at the same position; if the given names only contain one character, the brothers' names have a same radical or structure. In addition, there are other special rules such as "eight yuan," "eight kai," and divinatory symbols in Zhouyi. The rule to give names is well associated with the purpose to sustain the order of patriarchal system and the purity of the bloodline. Among ancient people' s biaozi ( literary names) is the phenomenon that they are not always related with the connotation of their formal names, the forms being that such names may show the order of the eider or younger and that of the status of the male. The single-character literary name expressing merits in ancient men may have an added character to form a two-syllabic word. There are usually two cases: one is to add such character showing the elder or younger among brothers and relatives as the eldest, the second in rank, the third in rank, etc. ; the other is to add a character showing respect such as (zi, fu, jun, gong, ) etc.. Monks' formal names consist of a "common name" and a "special name", their biaozi similar to the scholar-officials. They can be only the "special names" in short, but their biaozi has to be called in full. Their formal names and biaozi can be called together. From the perspective of the formality of ancient names, mistakes can be identified and corrected in the reading and rearrangement of ancient literature.
Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
Chinese ancient names
Names among brothers
Biaozi showing the elder and the younger
Single-character words expressing merits
Monks of poetry
Monks' formal names and their biaozi